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Why wait for tomorrow when you can know today?

What is a Palm Reading?


Palmistry, or chiromancy, is the claim of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known as palm reading or chirology. The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations. Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, palm readers, hand readers, hand analysts, or chirologists.

A palm reading gives insight into your love life, your past, your future, future health, finances & family.



What can a Tarot Reading tell me?


Tarot cards can answer questions about the past as well as those about the future. And it can reveal the present as well. Often the cards can show the thoughts, feelings and motivations of the questioner, and of others who relate to the question. Most relationship spreads have positions for both partners for this reason. If there is something that you must know in order to solve a problem, the Tarot can and will reveal it to you. Often, you'll find that you already knew it, but you overlooked it or chose to ignore it.



What is a Energy Cleansing?


It is a type of healing that seeks to identify and cure the spiritual cause for any problem that is manifesting in your life. If you are not a spiritual or religious person, you can also think of this as energy clearing.


When traditional approaches don’t work – for example, medicine; working harder or trying harder; you can turn to spiritual cleansing to get to the root of the problem and solve it from within.


You can use spiritual cleansing for:


  • getting over a divorce (feelings of hurt, guilt, fear, shame, anger, resentment and sadness can be hard to get rid of and can easily manifest in physical problems)

  • persistent financial difficulties

  • ‘bad energy’, ‘bad vibes’ or unexplained disturbances or lack of well-being in a home or workplace

  • persistent relationship problems (recurring patterns)

  • prior to doing spiritual work such as a spiritual retreat or intense meditation

  • to remove a persistent feeling of negative, heavy energy surrounding you


      $200 & Up

Energy/Aura Reading


In a reading, the reader looks for what is your energy and what is not your energy. In each layer of your aura, the reader sees different colors and identifies which colors represent your own energy and which colors are unwanted energies. Answering your question of what color is my aura. Often just by recognizing that something is not your energy, you can begin to release it.


By looking at your aura, a reader gets a sense of who you really are, where you're coming from, and how you're wanting to grow as spirit. They may see past experiences which have affected you. They may also get insights into next steps you're wanting to take in future.



What is a Past Life Regression?


Many people have found that past life information is healing. By knowing the past life events that caused our emotions to be trapped, we are then free to let those emotions go, and move forward in more loving harmony. The knowledge of the past life event and the subsequent releasing of the emotion that follows, allows us to live more fully in the present. We also are not drawn to repeating the patterns of attracting unhealthy relationships that were based on the negative emotion we were holding on to.


I work with any questions you may have about yourself and your relationship with others or challenges that you may be facing and would like to transform, be they physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual.




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